DaySpring Academy and High School
Live Free. Learn Free. Be Free.Home education for k-12 in Alabama.

Hello and Welcome to DaySpring Academy
There is a lot of information on these pages to help direct you into the world of home education. Please read over the website including the enrollment handbook for particular details on DSA and how to enroll and what to do afterward.
DaySpring Academy/High School is a church school in Alabama offering a family-based educational program for grades K-12. (Alabama Code Section 16-28-1). The law is clear on what is required by parents and church schools so please read over this information. We believe in the right of parents to make all the educational choices for their children. We support and encourage parents to actively take responsibility for the education of their children in whatever manner they believe is best for their child.
We encourage and promote Family-Based Learning as a time-honored way to ensure that children learn at their level taking into consideration their maturity levels and individual abilities and family styles. An arbitrary system should not have a part in setting goals for your child in any way without your permission and control.
Because contrary to a society’s thinking any and all Grade Level information is simply a myth. There is no such thing as 5th-grade math or 6th-grade health or 2nd-grade spelling or 11th-grade history except to a system that is non-realistic approach to ways children learn. Each system and often each school can decide what the teaching goals are and how to go about it. Home educators believe it harms children when used as the *only* method of teaching and gauging learning. Using a 5th-grade math book is for guiding the parent in sequential information but in no way is it etched in stone to be taught only in the 5th grade. (Same for all other grade level subjects.)
Instead, we encourage parents to use a broad spectrum of materials — from traditional books to software to hands- on activities to field trips to simply letting a child direct their own learning. READ!! And then READ MORE!! Conversations!! WALK and TALK and discuss LIFE!!! These things alone will encourage a child who has had difficulty in the system in rediscovering LEARNING (Which has nothing to do with education!!)
Each child’s learning is specific to them and to their age, to their maturity levels and to their particular life at the time — not to a system or a series of goals.
We are radical in our stand on family-based education. We do not apologize for that. We do not apologize for supporting parents in all areas of family life. We want children to succeed and parents to connect with their children again. Life should revolve around the family NOT the school schedule or school bus or school lunch or school homework!!
Our main goal:
To help parents come out of the government-run, taxpayer-funded “schools” — and to help the families heal from the labels used against them and the abuses of this “system”. To FREE parents from a system that has chained them and their kids to arbitrary and very often hurtful policies. And so…..(You were waiting for the point!)…We strongly support the abolishment of compulsory attendance in a system that doesn’t work and produces children who dislike learning and instead create a child-friendly, family inclusive and community building system of learning. We support families finding learning paths that incorporate all ways of learning such as academia, hands on, volunteering, individual pursue ments of education and the tribe of people in a child’s life helping the learning process. We do not apologize for that. Not now. Not in the future. Please look over the information about DSA to find out if our school will fit your needs. If there is something you want to discuss prior to enrolling, feel free to contact me. Please READ all guidelines, policies and stands on all aspects of home education before enrolling with us. Be sure you agree with DSA on all levels and aspects. Be sure you are ready to take complete responsibility for the education of your child! There are many ways of home education including: traditional, child led, community or family teaching, volunteering, eclectic, unschooling and a combination of all.
A Final Note:
DSA is not for every home educator as we demand parents to take responsibility for educating their child. The first responsibility (requirement) is to read the handbook, the policies and guidelines and most importantly the Law!! Understanding the difference between private schools, the tutorial laws and the church school requirements will be the first step in understanding your responsibilities and the choices you must make. We are not a Christian school as we believe religions should be a matter between family members and how the parents want to direct and teach their own children. We do not endorse or support any one religious belief except love, compassion, and kindness to each other. We support all belief systems and nonbelief systems as these are vital to our own individual families. (If you believe you cannot join a church school that is not fully Christian, feel free to call and ask for a referral in your area of another church school to fit your needs.). Our religious beliefs encompass all spirituality and paths to the Divine.
Please call with any questions- emailing me is a good way to reach me with questions.