All Forms

The DaySpring forms are PDF. The PDF files require Adobe Reader.
If not already installed on your computer, download it free from the link below.

Adobe Reader

These forms have been successfully tested on the lastest version of Adobe Reader.
If you experience problems with an older version, try upgrading to the latest version.  For some reason known only to the Cyber Guardians
— who have a divine appointment to puzzle and befuddle (and humble) the average user —
there are times when a request for a pdf form will result in a blank page with no form.
My experience has been that this Cyber Nonsense is cured by rebooting the computer.
There is a form where once was none.
Cyber Space is such good fun.

New Enrollment Forms



This information packet contains the 4 forms you will need to enroll in DaySpring Academy. This should print out into 5 pages. The Policy Agreement form will print out on 2 pages, the other 3 will print on 1 page each. Please fill these forms out completely. If you have problems printing any of these forms, please contact.

Enrollment Handbook Enrollment Packet


Use this form for yearly re-enrollment. All DSA families are required to re-enroll by end of August. Re-enrollment occurring after August will need the approval of the Administrator and will incur late fees. As usual, there are discounts for early re-enrollment (June/July)- These discounts will be posted on the DSA Discord group along with the promotional codes required to take advantage of them. Make sure you are a member of the group – this is a requirement for DSA enrollment. If you have questions please contact me for help.

Yearly Re-Enrollment


For existing DaySpring families that want to add another student. This could be a student previously enrolled in a different school program, or a young student starting their first year of school.

Add Student


HSINFO– Designed to gather into one concise packet the information of interest to parents of children ready to earn high school credits, regardless of age. Recommended reading for parents of children ages 12 to 13 and above. Includes a copy of the High School Transcript Request form and forms needed to request a high school transcript.

HS Packet

HSTR– Form/Instructions needed to submit a High School level transcript request (Non-Graduating/PreCollege/Transfer)

HS Transcript Request

Senior Package– Required of all graduating students. Payment is due by November 30th of Graduating Year:
Senior Package is $100 and includes Padded Diploma Cover embossed with school name, 1 Standard Diploma, 1 certified transcript, and 2 certified & sealed transcripts. There is a $20 late fee after November 30th.

Senior Package

DLSEF– Forms needed to obtain Driver permit- Fill out the Top Portion only and submit to me with a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope. You have 10 days from the time I sign it to obtain the permit, if delayed beyond that you will need to send in a new form to me.  If you are sending the form in ahead of time, please put a sticky note on it letting me know when you are taking your child for their test.

DL Form

DLM– Driver’s License manual

DL Manual



  • The information and forms needed to request a high school transcript.
  • The information and forms you need to request a transcript for those below high school level.

HS Transcript Request Under HS Transcript


Form for Requesting replacement items (CSEFs, diplomas, transcripts, etc…)

Replacement Forms Request



Below are all of the above forms, just in single copies!

  • SASE = Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
  • CSEF = Church School Enrollment Form (PDF)
  • RSR = Request School Records Form (PDF)
  • FIF = Family Information Form (PDF)
  • PAF = Policy Agreement Form (PDF)
  • AS = Adding a Student Form (PDF)
  • RRF = Replacement Request Forms (PDF)
  • YREF = Yearly Re-Enrollment Form (PDF)
  • HSIP = High School Information Packet (PDF)
  • HSTR = High School Transcript Request (PDF)
  • UHSTR = Under High School Transcript Request (PDF)
  • DLSEF = Drivers License School Exclusion Form (PDF)
  • DLM = Drivers License Manual (PDF)







“My schooling not only failed to teach me what it professed to be teaching,
but prevented me from being educated to an extent which infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself.”
-George Bernard Shaw