Can My Homeschooled Child Go To College?

(Thank you letter to DaySpring)

Parents choose to home educate for many reasons, and we are no exception. Our decision to home educate came after much thought, investigation, and prayer.

You see, my oldest daughter spent seven years in our county school system. She was an “A” honor roll student, in the science club, and in the gifted program as well. We were so proud of her! In fact, we were so proud, that we took her out of public school and brought her home where she belonged.

Macie had so many dreams she wished to achieve; she wanted to be a doctor. But somehow those dreams were beginning to fade. Maybe it was peer pressure, teachers who programmed rather than taught, or administrators who saw my child as a statistical number, rather than an individual person. Whatever the reasons, we would not stand for it!

So many people told us what a terrible mistake we were making! Even friends and family were concerned. “Her diploma wouldn’t be real”, “She would get no recognition for her achievements”, “How would she get into college?”, and the ever popular question ” What about socialization?” Despite all the negativity and ignorance of others, we stuck to our decision, stayed the course, and followed our hearts.

I admit we were nervous, even a little scared. Then we found Dayspring Academy and everything just fell into place. Without Dayspring, Donna Mitchell, and Cathy Henderson, we could have never made it. There are so many things I have to say thank-you for. I thought a list would be the easiest way.

Thank you Dayspring for not insisting we change our “denomination”. We are simply Christians.

Thank you Dayspring for realizing that no one knows my child as well as I do and allowing me to teach her what she needed, when she needed it.

Thank you Dayspring for treating us as individual people, not a statistic.

Thank you Dayspring for allowing us to give our children the best possible education we could offer.

Thank you Donna for keeping tuition at a minimum. When we made our decision to home educate, we dropped from a two-income family to a one-income family.

Thank you Cathy for putting up with all my questions and being patient with my scatter brained memory!

But mostly, Thank you DaySpring for giving my daughter back her dreams! She will someday be a doctor and I know she will be a huge success.

Macie is graduating this year at the tender age of fifteen. Her diploma is as “real” as any other. She has been able to socialize with people of different age, race, & religion – just as she will do in the real world. How will she get into college? With an ACT score of 28, that’s how. Who will recognize her accomplishments? We will of course! So did the college that gave her a full academic scholarship.

When it comes to your child, a child you carry inside your body for nine months, a child that is truly a piece of you, a child you watch grow and change right before you very eyes – let nothing or no one stop you. Follow your heart and listen to your child. I have made many mistakes in my lifetime; home educating was NOT one of them.

Macie, we are so proud of you! You have blossomed from a little girl into a beautiful, intelligent, independent, and compassionate young woman. The world is wide open for you!

Thank you DaySpring for giving my family back to me!!
Amy Brown
DaySpring notes:  Amy’s family, which includes three unique and beautiful daughters, resides in Childersburg, Alabama.   The above letter was received in May, 2004.